Welcome to the
Culinary Health Center
The Culinary Health Center is for the exclusive use of Culinary Health Fund participants.


Culinary Health Center hours

Using the Culinary Health Center

Locations near you

Culinary Health Center - Durango
East Side
Culinary Health Center - Nellis

Provider of the month

Soriano Family medicine
I’m passionate about making a positive impact and empowering my patients.

Frequently asked questions

How do I make an appointment?
Call 702-790-8000 to make an appointment at the Culinary Health Center.
Why should I become a CHC patient?
Follow this link to learn about the benefits of becoming a Culinary Health Center patient.
How do I get my medical records?
Follow this link to request your medical records.
When is the Culinary Health Center open?
Follow this link to see the Culinary Health Center hours.
How can I contact my doctor?
You can contact your doctor or other healthcare provider through the Patient Portal.
What is the Culinary Health Center?


Change Healthcare/‍UnitedHealth Group, a company used by UNITE HERE HEALTH and many of our healthcare partners, recently said they were hit by a cyberattack. This might have affected the private health info and personal details of our Participants. Although UNITE HERE HEALTH hasn't been told that any of our Participants were directly affected, UnitedHealth Group is offering help to people worried about their info. If you want this support or want two years of free credit monitoring and identity theft protection, go to UnitedHealth Group’s support website or call them at 866-262-5342.